Summer Wedding Flowers Guide: our Top 6

Summer Wedding Flowers Guide: our Top 6 - Hoesh International Ltd

When it comes to selecting the flowers for your wedding day, the choice crucially depends on what’s in bloom at that time of year. If you are getting married in the upcoming summer wedding season, you are lucky enough to have such a variety to pick from.

Either classy or bohemian, funky or monochromatic, there’s a flower matching every taste and style. Adornments play a decisive role in the realisation of a refined ceremony. You may plan your details well but you also should make sure you can keep them in place for the whole duration of the event. That is why, for instance, knowing about how long the flowers you pick can handle the heat for is a good way to avoid disappointment.

Evaluate getting your flower service from your local florist, an expedient that would meet your unique needs in a more sustainable way. Moreover, this will probably save you money as well!

Here’s our selection of 6 blossoms you should consider for your summer wedding. Remember to pin the ones you love, and be ready to show them to your florist to get your beautiful bespoke bouquet in hands.


  • Hydrangeas

This versatile blossom is such a good fit for any wedding style – from the most elegant to a more rustic character – hydrangeas can be found in a good variety of shades. White, pink, purple, blue and even green, their soft petals are one of the most favoured by brides. Pair them with a smaller sized flower, and mix colours for an eclectic bouquet.


  • Tweedia
Small and gentle, these delicate flowers are the perfect addiction to most bouquets. Thanks to their size, they can also be used in small compositions do be applied as decorations on boutonnières, centrepieces or hangers. Hoesh International has the perfect combination for you: you can now pre-order your white wooden hangers and personalise them with a print that matches the colour of your tweedia blossoms. Visit our website or give us a call +44 (0)116 276 5221 for more information.


  • Bird’s nest

The quintessential wedding flower, its minuscule blossoms can be mixed to any other flower for a fairy, dreamy vibe. Being a wildflower, bird’s nest also represents an affordable filler to your bouquet. If you are lucky enough, your florist may have a few different hues of soft pink available for you.


  • Dahlia

One of the flowers of our choice with the wider range of colour, Dahlias can be found in pink, purple, red, scarlet, orange, yellow, white. Their elaborate layers and remarkable size can suit a baroque wedding. They don’t have any particular scent, so this may be useful to keep in mind if you do not want your decorations scent to be too prominent.


  • Sunflower

If you are looking for something fresh, happy, a colour explosion, sunflowers are always a good option. With their wild character and bright soul, you really cannot go wrong if you add a few of them to your centrepieces. The legit summer flowers!


  • Daisy

With their candid white petals and their iconic scent, Daisies are ideal for a bucolic touch to your wedding. Charismatic but still gentle, they can be used alone for a clean look or matched with a bit of colour for a bit of eccentricity.


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